Wednesday, March 4, 2009

C'mon in and give me some much needed advice!

Why is it when the weather starts to turn bad, my brain just kinda shuts down? It doesn't help that the past two days have been slow customer days, too. No... I don't mean that we are getting customers with diminished capacity ( hmmm, now that I mention it, those last few I had in may fall into that category.... )... We just aren't getting the walk in traffic that we normally do. **YAWN**

Since my brain seems to have gone on vacation without the rest of me, I am asking all my readers and lurkers for some advice. Many of you are aware I keep another blog that I get paid to write. I just haven't been writing on THAT one because I really like this one for my little ramblings of day to day life. I would like to make the other one follow more of a theme. I have thought about different lines to follow there, but what I really want to know is what would YOU like to read about?
Since my family/personal life is pretty much here, I have thought about these topics (but if YOU have an idea, PLEASE share it!)
--Making it a diet / weight loss blog.
--Writing about Montana weather, climate, and environmental (Montana related) stuff
--Writing about the cell phone repair industry, tips on use, new product reviews, and anecdotes.
-- Writing about The day to day happenings of what I see out the shop window. There is an apartment across the street that seems to cater to lower income folks. There is always something going on over there from little kids playing to domestic calls involving the police. People moving in and out... well, you get the idea! We also work on a very busy street where accidents are common, strange people wander through my field of vision, AND, for all you 'cachers out there, there is a geocache right across the street, too!

NOW it is up to YOU, my dear fellow Time Killers. Help me out. Tell me what I should dedicate my other blog to. All my posts over there all need to be 100 words or more for me to get paid for them, so I do need a subject that I can write at least two paragraphs a day about.

Thanks in advance for your advice!-- Michele


OHN said...

I think most people are always up for technology info, and tips of the trade. I think your work knowledge would be great. I also like the idea of being the neighborhood spy :)

Rock Chef said...

I like the idea of writing about what you see out of the window - voyeuristic, judgemental, entertaining!

Jennifer said...

If the cell phone tips are useful, traffic will find you. I'd go for that one.