Monday, March 2, 2009

I just registered with e-How

I was catching up with my blog reading, and one that I follow- A Heart For A Home- had a link to a site where you can write how-to articles and get paid for them (see my link on the sideboard---> ). I signed up, but haven't posted an article yet. I have to get all my thoughts (ducks?) in a row and decide what I am going to write about. I know I have TONS of knowledge to share! I lived through a bad abusive marriage, I learned about womens shelters and restraining orders; been through a divorce; I had to work full time while raising two daughters; I have worked in many (7 or8) different fields through the years; I nursed grandparents before they had to be placed in more complete care homes; I have raised cats, dogs, hamsters, and fish; I know how to cook, bake, shop, and budget; and through the years I have learned how to play and be happy (even as an adult!) ... I'm sure I have something of value to share!

1 comment:

OHN said...

You sound like me. I think as we grow older all the knowledge we have soaked up needs to be shared....unfortunately, most of the time nobody wants to listen :)